Saturday, December 10, 2011

You Make Everything Glorious [[Monday, November 21]]

"Moses said, 'Oh, my LORD, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.' Then the LORD said to him, 'Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute , or deaf or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.'" -Ex. 4:10-12

At 6:30 this morning, I awoke to the sound of exotic birds singing outside my window. It is a cloudy, misty morning. We began our morning by praying over each other. At 8, the camp leaders arrived. They were a group of Guatemalans who are in charge of running the camp and the lessons. Our job as volunteers is to provide care for the orphans that are attending the camp. The kids began arriving for the camp, some with cerebral palsy and some had Down Syndrome, and a few had autism. The day was going slowly because of being registration day. So I just played with a few of the kids. I met the beautiful orphan kids for the first time. Some girls and I put the kids in a circle and we tossed a beach ball around.

When I see these children, precious children, and I look into their eyes and I see their smiles, I no longer see them as children with disabilities, but as a child of God. Loving these children is exactly what Jesus called us to do.

I met a teenage girl who had come to the camp with her brother Lusbin. Lusbin was the sweetest little boy ever. I practiced my Spanish with them :) I love the Spanish language so much! All I can say is that it really pays off knowing Spanish and if you wan to know the entire story behind this just ask me =)

"De este modo todos sabrán que son mis discípulos, si se aman los unos a los otros." -Juan 13:35

We took the children to la capilla (the chapel) for a Bible story and songs which the Guatemalan team led. The theme for the camp was Se Libre (be free) about "where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom!" -2 Cor. 3:17
After we split into teams. I was on team Verde (green). We had to make a team name, a team song, team mascot, and a team cheer. We decided on being los conejos (the rabbits) and we made up a song, cheer, and mascot. We played games and sang songs, and everytime the smile of the kids brightened my day. I had a child to feed at supper. His name was Julio. I got to know Julio pretty well. He was known as the kid who loved to hug. And I love hugs. =) We brought the kids to the rooms for the night. A lot of these children got up very early to travel to camp. It made me realize and ask myself what are things that I prioritize that I could actually live without.

Some of these kids chose a long day of travelling so that they could come to a Christian camp. Just think about it....

"Ahora bien, el Señor es el Espíritu; y donde está el Espíritu del Señor, allí hay libertad." -2 Cor. 3:17


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