Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In the shadow of His wings

Many have asked me how my Spring Break was and the truth to that answer is I cannot put words to what I experienced. God did things that only God can do and it was amazing. I rejoice in the fact that God changed lives, broken over the fact that so many people in Haiti are lost, and I am excited for the continuation of God's amazing work in Haiti.

So let the blogging begin and hopefully I can share a little glimpse of the ways in which God is at work in Haiti.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Faithful God

Our God is fighting for us always
we are not alone, no, we are not alone

Another tragedy has struck Northestern. A friend and classmate of mine lost her entire family last night in a rollover accident. It's times like these that the body of Christ suffers and it's beautiful. God promises that in due time we will reap a harvest far greater than anything we can fathom. Right now it feels as though we are reaping a pile of ashes. I cannot even begin to imagine what pain it is to lose your family.

Jehovah Elohim,

I cry out to you. I do not understand why this has happened, but I rest in the comfort of knowing that you are with us always. Spirit come, fall afresh, send your Presence to Brittany. Give your comfort and peace, heal a broken heart. Father God...