Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where You Lead, I Will Follow

"For you are my rock and my fortress;and for your name's sake you lead me and guide me;" -Ps. 31:3

As I am packing up my bags for yet a new and exciting adventure that God has planned for me (aka College), I came across so many old things. I like to save and keep a lot of beautiful papers and trinkets that bring back so many lovely memories. It is a bittersweet process of unpacking my life and packing it up for something new. I pulled out old cards, journals, and pictures that told so many stories of beautiful people and times where God used them or those experiences to bring me closer to him. God is SO GOOD! "Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord REJOICE!" -1 Ch. 16:10
 {{REJOICE!}}  Life will always bring changes. When Jesus said "follow me" he never guaranteed it would be easy. In fact, in my 18 years of life, I know without a doubt how evil, and hard this life is and that is why I must live under the influence of the Spirit. College will bring challenges, but I'm ready to follow the Lord wherever He takes me. I've learned that I can plan my way--but it always leads to being humbled--or I could follow the Lord, knowing that his plan is always best even if it means waiting. Even when life gets challenging I am called to REJOICE!
Honestly, going away is very hard for me. I've never enjoyed change. I've always been content to have my groups of friends, my family, and a comfortable home....and my little plans; however, I know that's not how God works. He breaks us from routine to bring us to our knees and to recognize how good He is. I grew up in a neighborhood where the kids were almost all the same age and the majority of us were home schooled. I was very blessed that I had four "moms" and eleven "siblings" to grow up with. Summer days were spent morning to evening with each other. We'd play games and make forts, and take trips to the zoo. All of us (except one family) have stayed on the block for our whole lives. It's something that I will miss greatly.  Though I often wish I could rewind the clocks of time and go back to those days, I know I am called to look ahead, to look to my unfading, beautifully glorious treasure Jesus. For His glory, that is why I am called to walk this earth and called to walk in His ways. Things have happened in my life--I have seen pain. Although it may seem minor sufferings, I see how good God was through it all. If it wasn't for His shaping and molding me through sufferings, I wouldn't have become best friends with my BFF or at least not as good of friends. I wouldn't have learned the meaning of putting my hope in Jesus or what it means to trust Him and I certainly wouldn't be attending the college I am today. God is good! so very good! I have so much yet to learn and though being away from those I love so dearly is hard, God is faithful. He created the makers of facebook, twitter, skype and all those other forms of communication, right? :) I'm excited to see how God's will and plans unfold in my life and I am ready to go wherever He calls me. It's all about having an open heart, loving the Lord with a steadfast love like He first loved me, serving and loving others well, seeking forgiveness, forgiving others no matter how hard, humbling walking hand in hand with my Savior, and living day by day on His life giving words. I have been blessed to know so many beautiful God-Fearing friends and mentors who have walked with, prayed for, and fed me Scripture (sometimes even forced it down my throat when it was difficult to understand God's ways). It is wonderful to have such blessings in my life. I thank God everyday for you. And don't worry, I'm only going to Iowa... it just hit me though that God is good, so good. And it's so exciting to see bits and pieces of His story unfolding in my life.

In His Love,
